Seacliff Academy offers different levels of enrollment to meet the varying needs of families. Enrollment plans include:
Enrollment in Seacliff Academy, which meets the compulsory education requirement for the state of California
All state-required record keeping and filing
Records of credit, course descriptions, and transcripts
Documentation for dual-enrollment in community college
Documentation for work permits
A student ID card for grades 6-12 (if desired)
Optional online guidance/mentoring meetings for students and parents
Basic Enrollment : includes the above services then...
Choose a Guidance Plan
Enrollment Only Plan (no meetings): Parents will be responsible for submitting to Seacliff Academy semester and year-end summaries, grades, and credits for subjects learned.
3 Meetings/Year Plan: Includes three 60 minute online guidance meetings for parents and students to help set goals, choose classes, fill out records of academic credit (K-8th), or course descriptions and transcripts (9th-12th). Meetings will take place at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year.
Monthly Plan: includes one 60 minute mentoring meeting per month
Bi-Weekly Plan: includes bi-weekly 45 minute mentoring meetings
Weekly Plan: includes weekly 30 minute mentoring meetings
*As-Needed Meetings: families can add as-needed meetings throughout the year in addition to their chosen guidance plan
We are now Registering for the 2024-2025 school year!

1. BASIC ENROLLMENT: $300 for new students, $250 for returning students (non-refundable)
Enrollment in a Private School Satellite Program registered with the State of California (PSP)
All progress reports, transcripts, course descriptions, and state required record-keeping
CUM file requests from previous school
Filing of teacher-status for parents
Dual enrollment documentation for community college
Work permit documentation
Student ID for students in grades 6-12 (if desired)
Enrollment Only Plan (no meetings): no additional cost-parents will be responsible for submitting semester and year-end summaries, grades, and credits for subjects
learned. This option is great for families who do not need extra support, who take classes through Acton, or those who just want to add on extra meetings as needed.
3 Meetings/Year: $300/year- includes three 60 minute online guidance meetings for parents and students to help set goals, choose classes, fill out records of academic credit (K-8th), or course descriptions and transcripts (9th-12th). Meetings will take place at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year.
Monthly Mentoring Plan: $900/year- includes one 60 minute mentoring meeting per month from September to May
Bi-Weekly Mentoring Plan: $1,200/year includes bi-weekly 45 minute mentoring meetings from September 6th to May 19th
Weekly Mentoring Plan: $1,600/year- includes weekly 30 minute mentoring meetings from September 6th to May 19th
*As-Needed Meetings: $110/hour- families can add as-needed meetings throughout the year in addition to their chosen guidance plan
Mentoring meetings can be used however the family sees fit: for student check-ins, assignment help, parent support, or any combination of the above.
Parents who choose Basic Enrollment Only are responsible for submitting semester and year-end summaries of all subjects, grades, and credits.
Basic Enrollment and Guidance Plan tuition is due in full upon registration. As-needed meetings are paid at the time of meeting.
Seacliff Academy charges a $60 diploma fee for high school seniors
Families with more than one child can enroll each child in their own Guidance Plan, or they can share a Guidance Plan. Each child will need to pay the full enrollment fee of $300.
How to Enroll
If you are interested in enrolling your student in Seacliff Academy, please fill out the contact form below, or reach out by email or phone. We enroll students in grades K-12, and have rolling enrollment throughout the year. After verifying an open spot for your child, please fill out and mail back the Enrollment Form and Consent/Agreement Form that will be sent to you. We will also need a copy of your student's birth certificate, a health-record form for student's in grades K and 1st, and immunization records, even if they are empty or incomplete. *
Seacliff Academy will request your child's cumulative file (CUME) from their previous school (if they went to public or private school), and all Seacliff Academy records will be added to their CUME.
Your student's information and file is completely private, and will never be shared with anyone. The only record that can be requested by your school district is your student's attendance record. No other files, documents, information, or records are ever shared with any agency, person, or entity, without your permission. (For example sharing information for College applications.)
*If your student is not immunized, is partially immunized, or has an expired or invalidated medical exemption, they can still enroll, but we do need to have their blue immunization card on file, even if the vaccination area is empty or incomplete. (This is a requirement of any and all schools in the state, even homeschool PSAs and PSPs.)
Need More Information?
We'd love to answer any questions you might have about Seacliff Academy. Please contact us below to find out more, and see if Seacliff Academy is the right fit for your family!
Basic Enrollment and Guidance Plan tuition are due in full upon enrollment.​
Students that enroll mid-year, and sign up for Add-on Plans will have a prorated amount based the number of meetings per year.
If students withdraw mid-year the refunded amount will be prorated based on how many months they didn't use. We require 30 days notice of intent to withdraw.
Payments can be made by cash, check, or online bill- pay banking
Calendar 2024-2025
Our school year runs from August 15, 2021- June 2, 2022
1st semester: August 12 - January 24
2nd Semester: January 27 - May 30
Guidance meetings begin- August 12
Add-on Plan mentoring meetings begin- September 3
Add-on Plan mentoring meetings end- May 19
No guidance or mentoring meetings will be held on/during the following holidays and breaks:
Labor Day- September 2
Veteran's Day- November 11
Thanksgiving Break- November 25-29
Winter Break- December 23-January 8
Martin Luther King Jr. Day- January 20
Presidents' Day- February 17
Spring Break- April 7-11
Memorial Day- May 26